Freezing orders are an important tool for litigants who are in danger of having assets destroyed which are subject to potential court orders. Keep reading this Legal Kitz blog to find out more about what a freezing order is, who and …
Category: Commercial Litigation
What is a subpoena?
If you have been issued a subpoena by the court, and you may be wondering “what is that?”, and “why do the TV shows make such a big deal about them?”. This Legal Kitz article will help you to understand what …
Court hearing explanation
If you’re not familiar with the legal world, a lot of the terminology can be confusing and sometimes overwhelming. A court hearing is important to understand, and we have created a Legal Kitz blog to break down what is a hearing …
Shareholder oppression cases
A shareholder is an individual, company or institution that partly owns a part of the company via shares. Notwithstanding, this area of law is quite complex, and thus it is not surprising that there have been cases in the court system …
What are particulars and pleadings?
Particulars are used to outline a claim or defend a position in legal proceedings. These can be facts or evidence used to prove claims or allegations. Clear particulars allow for court proceedings to run more efficiently, which saves time and costs …
Who can witness as a power of attorney?
Nominating a power of attorney (POA) is a difficult decision as the person nominated will be responsible for your legal and financial decisions on your behalf, even if you are no longer able to make those decisions yourself. As required with …
Directions vs call-over hearing
Have you ever engaged in court proceedings and heard the terms call-over hearing and directions hearing being used by judges and solicitors? Legal Kitz can provide you with clarity regarding the difference between call-over and directions hearings, and how to prepare …
The Cost of Court in Australia
In Australia, the cost of court is not cheap, and so instead, many parties decide on the avenue of mediation. However, if a party does decide to proceed to court the total cost can be emotionally and financially draining. So what …
Interlocutory Injunction
If you have heard of equitable remedies (ie. remedies that are not damages) then it is likely that you have heard of an injunction. An injunction is a warning or order given by the court requiring a person to do, or …
Contractual Breach
Compensation that you may claim for a breach of contract has requirements and limitations. When a contract is breached, parties must understand that the non-performer will pay compensation for any loss resulting from the breach. The aim of damages is to …