Category: Employment Law

Professional Fees in Australia

Professional fees in Australia: an in-depth analysis

Professional fees in Australia constitute a crucial element of the country’s economic landscape, encompassing a wide range of industries, including healthcare, legal services, finance, and consulting. These fees represent the remuneration that professionals receive for their expertise, knowledge, and specialised services. …

GST on credit card fees: implications and considerations

When it comes to using your credit card for purchases in Australia, understanding the implications of GST on credit card fees is crucial. In this comprehensive Legal Kitz article, we delve into the intricacies of GST on credit card fees, exploring …

Stress Leave in Australia: What You Need to Know

Stress Leave in Australia: What You Need to Know

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, it’s no surprise that stress is a major problem for many Australians. According to recent studies, over 30% of Australians report high levels of workplace stress, with factors such as workload, job insecurity, and …

Independent Contractors: know your rights

What is an independent contractor? An independent contractor is an individual or business that provides services to another individual or company but is not considered an employee. Independent contractors are typically self-employed, and they are responsible for managing their own work …

Power in numbers: the impact of collective bargaining

Collective bargaining occurs when a group of employees, usually represented by a labor union, negotiate with their employer for improved working conditions. Generally, employees who collectively bargain aim to improve their wages, employment benefits, working conditions and job security. Employers also …

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