Category: Corporate Law

Venture capitalists: getting your start-up funded

Having a brilliant idea for a business is one thing – but getting it successfully funded is another. Venture capitalist firms are a viable but intimidating option for many start-up businesses. This Legal Kitz blog will help explain what a venture …

Transfer of Shares in Australia

Did you know that in Australia, shares can be transferred between shareholders or to a company? If you are a shareholder, it is vital that you have a thorough understanding of how shares can be transferred or sold. Legal Kitz have …

Discretionary Trusts vs Unit Trusts

Entering into a trust can be difficult to navigate with the various legal and tax requirements. However, it can be a very beneficial way to manage and protect your assets. This Legal Kitz blog will discuss the difference between discretionary trusts …

What is a privacy collection notice?

If your business collects personal information from clients and customers for any specific purpose on your website or through your services, it is likely that you’ll need a privacy collection notice. This is a collection notice provided in the form of …

An easy explanation of the repudiation of a contract

When entering into a contract, it is expected that all parties will uphold the obligations and requirements of the contract. However, in some cases, a party may refuse to perform their obligations as a form of repudiation of a contract, leaving …

Asset protection for small business owners

Starting a new business is an exciting yet challenging step not only professionally, but personally. Asset protection is a concept and strategy that will assist you in shielding your property and other assets that you own in the event that there …

What is a unitholders agreement?

A unitholders agreement is a non-compulsory addition to a unit trust arrangement, but is highly recommended as best practice. A unitholders agreement can help establish rules and regulations of conduct, and provide assistance in the event of a dispute. Keep reading …

What is a corporate trust?

Trusts can be a challenging concept to understand and implement. It is important to consult with a legal practitioner if you are wanting to create a corporate trust, but if you would like to understand what a trust is and what …

What is a tax consolidated group tax return?

If you are someone who runs businesses through multiple company platforms – when it comes time to pay taxes it can be difficult and time-consuming. A tax consolidated group enables people running multiple businesses to form a single tax entity for …