The unsung heroes of Australian business: celebrating the prestigious Clerk Award

Clerks typically play an important role in maintaining the smooth operation of an office or organisation. Continue reading this Legal Kitz blog to learn more about the different awards that govern clerks.

What is a clerk?

The term “clerk” can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Generally, a clerk is a person who performs administrative or support duties in an office or other organisation. Different types of clerks include:

  1. Office clerk: An office clerk performs a variety of administrative tasks, such as answering phones, filing documents, typing and sending correspondence, and scheduling appointments.
  2. Sales clerk: A sales clerk works in a retail store and is responsible for assisting customers with their purchases, handling cash transactions, and restocking merchandise.
  3. Data entry clerk: A data entry clerk is responsible for inputting data into a computer system, such as customer information, sales data, or inventory figures.
  4. Court clerk: A court clerk works in a court of law and is responsible for maintaining court records, scheduling hearings, and assisting judges and attorneys.
  5. Shipping and receiving clerk: A shipping and receiving clerk is responsible for coordinating the shipment and receipt of goods and materials in a warehouse or manufacturing facility.

Overall, the duties and responsibilities of a clerk can vary depending on the specific job and organisation.

What are the typical responsibilities of clerks?

Some typical responsibilities of clerks include:

  1. Filing and record keeping: Clerks are often responsible for organizing and maintaining physical and electronic records in an orderly and easily accessible manner.
  2. Data entry: Clerks are responsible for entering client data into various databases and software programs.
  3. Correspondence: Clerks often draft and send emails, letters, and other correspondence to assist with client communication and bookings.
  4. Customer service: Clerks often interact with customers or clients, answering questions, providing information, and assisting with any issues or concern
  5. Cash handling: In some roles, clerks may handle cash, including accepting payments and making changes.
  6. Inventory management: Clerks may track inventory levels and order supplies as needed.
  7. General administrative support: Clerks may provide general administrative support, such as answering phones, organizing files, and assisting other staff members.

Clerk awards in Australia

Various awards in Australia regulate clerk roles in Australia; the award which might apply to you will depend on your specific job and industry.

The following are some of the awards that may cover clerical workers in Australia:

  1. Clerks – Private Sector Award: This award covers clerical and administrative employees in the private sector, including those in office administration, data entry, and customer service.
  2. General Retail Industry Award: This award covers retail workers, including clerks in retail settings such as shops and supermarkets.
  3. Banking, Finance and Insurance Award: This award covers employees in the banking, finance, and insurance industries, including those in clerical roles such as customer service, data entry, and administrative support.
  4. Health Professionals and Support Services Award: This award covers employees in the healthcare industry, including those working in clerical roles such as medical receptionists and administrative support.

Clerk wages under modern awards

  • Clerks – Private Sector Award 2020: This award covers clerical and administrative employees in the private sector, and as of July 1, 2021, the minimum weekly pay rate for full-time employees is $772.60.
  • Banking, Finance and Insurance Award 2020: This award covers employees in the banking, finance, and insurance industries, and as of July 1, 2021, the minimum weekly pay rate for full-time clerical employees is $844.50.
  • Professional Employees Award 2020: This award covers professional employees, including clerks, in various industries. As of July 1, 2021, full-time employees’ minimum weekly pay rate is $967.90.

Legal advice

If you need further assistance or advice regarding modern awards or employment matters, we here at Legal Kitz would love to help you. We offer free resources and the option to request a free 30-minute consultation for all your employment queries. Our sister company Business Kitz also offers a subscription-based plan with over 150+ legally compliant documents.