Fake reviews: unveiling its impacts and legal implications

Fake reviews are a growing problem in Australia, and in this Legal Kitz article, we delve into the issue and explore what the law has to say about them.

What are fake reviews?

Fake reviews can be misleading and harmful to consumers, businesses, and the economy. In Australia, the law surrounding fake reviews is complex, with various regulations and codes of conduct in place. The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) prohibits businesses from making false or misleading representations, including fake reviews. The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA) also prohibits misleading or deceptive conduct, encompassing the creation or publication of fake reviews.

Fake Reviews

Is it illegal to delete bad reviews?

Customer reviews play a crucial role in shaping consumer perception and business reputation. But what happens when businesses selectively remove negative reviews to create a false impression?

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) provides guidelines for businesses and review platforms, stressing the importance of transparency and the potential misleading nature of removing or editing customer reviews. While there are legitimate reasons for removing reviews, such as avoiding fake or offensive content, doing so solely to enhance your business’s image can be a breach of consumer laws.

Sections 18 and 34 of the ACL specifically address online reviews, prohibiting conduct that is misleading or deceptive. A notable case involving Aveling Homes resulted in substantial penalties, highlighting the severity with which the legal system treats review manipulation.

To avoid legal repercussions and protect your business’s reputation, it’s essential to understand the ethical boundaries surrounding customer reviews. Seek advice from a business lawyer to navigate the complexities and ensure compliance with consumer laws. The ACCC’s guiding principles offer valuable insights for business owners, providing a foundation for using customer reviews responsibly.

Remember, reviews are a powerful tool for success, but exploiting them for short-term gain can have long-term consequences. Stay on the right side of the law, prioritise transparency, and let genuine customer feedback drive your business forward.

What are the other consequences of removing negative reviews?

In addition to the legal risks of removing bad reviews, there are also a number of non-legal consequences that businesses should consider. These include:

  • Damage to your reputation: When you remove bad reviews, you are essentially trying to hide negative information about your business. This can damage your reputation and make it more difficult for you to attract new customers.
  • Loss of trust: When you remove bad reviews, you are essentially telling your customers that you don’t care about their feedback. This can damage their trust in your business and make them less likely to do business with you in the future.
  • Increased scrutiny: When you remove bad reviews, you may actually attract more attention to your business. This is because people will start to wonder why you are so eager to hide negative feedback. This can lead to more negative reviews and even a boycott of your business.
  • Legal action: In some cases, businesses that remove bad reviews have been sued by consumers. This is because consumers have argued that the businesses have violated their right to free speech.

How do I respond to bad reviews in a constructive way?

If you receive a bad review, it is important to respond in a constructive way. This means acknowledging the review, addressing the customer’s concerns, and offering a solution. It is also important to be polite and professional in your response.

Here are some tips for responding to bad reviews in a constructive way:

  • Acknowledge the review: This shows the customer that you have read their review and that you are taking their concerns seriously.
  • Address the customer’s concerns: This means explaining your side of the story and addressing any specific issues that the customer has raised.
  • Offer a solution: This shows the customer that you are willing to make things right.
  • Be polite and professional: This shows the customer that you respect their feedback, even if you disagree with it.

How do I build a positive online reputation?

In addition to responding to bad reviews in a constructive way, there are a number of other things you can do to build a positive online reputation. These include:

  • Respond to positive reviews: This shows that you appreciate your customers’ feedback and that you are willing to interact with them.
  • Ask for reviews: This encourages your customers to leave feedback about your business.
  • Monitor your online reputation: This means keeping an eye on what people are saying about your business online.
  • Respond to negative reviews promptly: This shows that you are taking customer feedback seriously and that you are willing to address any issues.

The importance of transparency and honesty

Finally, it is important to be transparent and honest with your customers. This means being upfront about your business practices and being willing to admit when you make mistakes. Transparency and honesty will help you build trust with your customers and make them more likely to do business with you in the future.

Can you use bots to write positive reviews?

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of businesses using bots to write positive reviews online. This practice is known as “fake review manipulation” and it can have a significant impact on the way consumers make decisions.

In Australia, the legality of using bots to write positive reviews is unclear. There is no specific law that prohibits this practice, but there are a number of laws that could be used to prosecute businesses that engage in fake review manipulation.

One law that could be used is the ACL. The ACL prohibits businesses from making false or misleading representations about their products or services. This includes making false or misleading reviews.

Another law that could be used is the CCA. The CCA prohibits businesses from engaging in misleading or deceptive conduct. This includes creating or publishing fake reviews.

In addition to these laws, there are also a number of industry codes of conduct that could apply to fake reviews. For example, the ACCC has developed a code of conduct for online marketplaces that includes provisions on fake reviews.

If you believe that a business has used bots to write positive reviews, you can take a number of steps. You can contact the business and ask them to remove the reviews. You can also report the reviews to the ACCC.

The ACCC can investigate fake reviews and take action against businesses that engage in this practice. This can include issuing fines or taking businesses to court.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

  • If you are unsure whether a business has used bots to write positive reviews, you can contact the ACCC for advice.
  • If you do decide to report the reviews to the ACCC, be sure to have evidence to support your complaint.
  • The ACCC may not be able to take action against the business, but they may be able to provide you with advice on how to protect yourself.

What happens when you report a Google review?

If you see a Google review that you believe is inappropriate or violates Google’s terms of service, you can report it. When you report a review, Google will review it and take appropriate action.

Here are some of the things that can happen when you report a Google review:

  • The review may be removed.
  • The reviewer may be warned or banned from leaving reviews.
  • Google may take other action, such as contacting the reviewer or the business that was reviewed.
  • The specific action that Google takes will depend on the nature of the review and the evidence that you provide.

How do I report a Google review?

To report a Google review, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Maps page for the business that was reviewed.
  2. Click on the review that you want to report.
  3. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the review.
  4. Select “Report inappropriate review.”
  5. Select the reason why you are reporting the review.
  6. Click on “Submit.”
  7. Google will review your report and take appropriate action.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when reporting a Google review:

  • Make sure that you have a good reason for reporting the review.
  • Provide as much evidence as possible to support your report.
  • Be specific about why you believe the review is inappropriate.
  • Be respectful and polite in your report.

Learn more about removing Google reviews here.

Legal advice

If you need further assistance or advice regarding fake reviews and deleting them, Legal Kitz would love to help you. We offer free resources and the option to request a free 30-minute consultation for all of your employment queries. Additionally, our sister company Business Kitz offers a subscription-based plan with over 150+ legally compliant documents.