How to get out of a franchise agreement: Understanding your options

How to get out of a franchise agreement

Franchise agreements are legally binding contracts that govern the relationship between a franchisor and a franchisee. These agreements grant the franchisee the right to operate a business using the franchisor’s brand, products, and business model. While entering into a franchise agreement is often viewed as a promising entrepreneurial endeavor, situations may arise that necessitate an exit from the agreement. In this comprehensive Legal Kitz blog post, we will guide you through the intricacies of how to get out of a franchise agreement, explaining what a franchise agreement entails and exploring the various options available.

What is a franchise agreement?

A franchise agreement is a contractual arrangement between two parties: the franchisor and the franchisee. The franchisor is the parent company, granting the franchisee the right to operate a business using the franchisor’s brand, products, and business model. In return, the franchisee agrees to follow the established business practices, pay fees or royalties, and adhere to specific terms and conditions outlined in the franchise agreement.

What are the key elements of a franchise agreement?

  1. Franchise Fee: The franchisee typically pays an upfront fee for the right to use the franchisor’s brand and business model.
  2. Royalties: Regular fees are paid to the franchisor, often calculated as a percentage of the franchisee’s gross revenue.
  3. Territory: The agreement may define a specific territory where the franchisee has exclusive rights to operate.
  4. Training and Support: The franchisor often provides training, marketing support, and ongoing assistance to ensure the franchisee’s success.
  5. Term and Renewal: The agreement specifies the duration of the franchise relationship and the conditions for renewal.
  6. Termination and Exit Clauses: It outlines the procedures for terminating the agreement and any associated penalties or consequences.

Why would I want to get out of a franchise agreement?

While franchise agreements offer opportunities for entrepreneurs, various reasons may compel franchisees to consider exiting the agreement. Common scenarios include:

  • Financial Strain: Financial difficulties can make it challenging for franchisees to meet their financial obligations, such as royalty payments, lease agreements, and operational costs.
  • Change in Circumstances: Personal circumstances, such as health issues, relocation, or family responsibilities, may necessitate an exit from the franchise.
  • Unmet Expectations: If the franchise business is not living up to the franchisee’s expectations in terms of profitability, support, or other key factors, they may seek an exit.
  • Disputes with the Franchisor: Disagreements, conflicts, or disputes with the franchisor can create a hostile working environment that prompts a franchisee to leave.
  • Business Performance: In cases where the franchise business is not performing well due to market conditions or other factors, franchisees may explore exit options.

What are some important considerations?

  • Financial Obligations: Be prepared to settle any outstanding financial obligations, including royalty payments and lease agreements, as part of the exit process.
  • Franchise Assets: Discuss the transfer or sale of franchise assets with the franchisor or potential buyers, as this may be part of the exit strategy.
  • Employment Contracts: If you have employees, consider how their employment contracts will be affected and communicate the changes accordingly.
  • Brand Obligations: Understand your obligations regarding the use of the franchisor’s brand and intellectual property after the exit.
  • Non-compete Clauses: Franchise agreements often include non-compete clauses that restrict franchisees from engaging in similar businesses for a specified period. Be aware of these restrictions and their implications.

Exploring exit options in detail

1. Review the Franchise Agreement

Understanding how to get out of a franchise agreement begins with a careful review of the franchise agreement itself. This document is the legal foundation for your franchise relationship and contains crucial information about the terms and conditions of your agreement, including termination clauses. Key aspects to consider when reviewing the franchise agreement include:

  • Termination Clauses: These clauses outline the circumstances under which the franchisor or franchisee can terminate the agreement. Pay close attention to whether there are any conditions that apply.
  • Penalties and Consequences: Examine the potential penalties or consequences for terminating the agreement. This could include financial penalties, loss of assets, or restrictions on future business activities.
  • Notice Period: Determine if there is a notice period that you must adhere to when terminating the agreement. The notice period specifies how much time you must provide before the termination takes effect.
  • Transfer or Sale Provisions: Review any sections that pertain to the sale or transfer of the franchise to a third party. This information can be essential if you intend to sell your franchise as a way to exit the agreement.

Understanding these elements in your franchise agreement is essential to make informed decisions about your exit strategy. If you are unsure about any aspect of the agreement, consider seeking legal counsel to clarify your rights and obligations.

2. Negotiate with the Franchisor

Open and honest communication is often the most effective approach when considering how to get out of a franchise agreement. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to exit the agreement, discussing your circumstances and concerns with the franchisor is a good starting point. The franchisor may be willing to work with you to find a mutually agreeable solution.

Key steps in negotiating with the franchisor include:

  • Prepare Your Case: Before initiating discussions with the franchisor, prepare a well-structured case that outlines your reasons for wanting to exit the agreement. If your circumstances are compelling, the franchisor may be more inclined to cooperate.
  • Professional Mediation: Consider enlisting the help of a professional mediator who specializes in franchise disputes. Mediation can facilitate productive discussions and help both parties find common ground.
  • Propose an Exit Plan: If you have a specific exit plan in mind, such as selling the franchise, present it to the franchisor. They may be more receptive to a structured plan that ensures a smooth transition.
  • Legal Assistance: While negotiation is a more amicable approach, it’s advisable to have legal representation or counsel present during discussions to safeguard your interests and ensure the franchisor adheres to the law and the terms of the franchise agreement.

Negotiating with the franchisor can be a constructive way to resolve your situation if both parties are willing to work together. It can save time, costs, and potential legal disputes.

3. Sell Your Franchise

Selling your franchise is a viable exit option allowed in many franchise agreements. However, the specifics of this process can vary depending on the agreement, and franchisors often have certain requirements and approval processes in place.

Here are the essential steps to consider when selling your franchise:

  • Franchisor Approval: Review your franchise agreement to determine whether you need the franchisor’s approval to sell the franchise. In many cases, the franchisor has a right to approve or disapprove the buyer.
  • Valuation and Pricing: Determine the value of your franchise by considering factors such as financial performance, market demand, and the overall health of the business.
  • Finding a Buyer: Seek potential buyers who are interested in purchasing your franchise. You can use various channels, such as business brokers, advertisements, and franchise networks, to identify potential buyers.
  • Due Diligence: Buyers will likely conduct due diligence to assess the financial health of the business and the terms of the franchise agreement. Prepare necessary documentation to facilitate this process.
  • Transfer Process: Once you have found a suitable buyer and received the franchisor’s approval, work with legal professionals to complete the transfer of the franchise, ensuring all legal requirements and obligations are met.

Selling your franchise can be an effective way to exit the agreement while potentially recovering some of your initial investment. However, the process can be complex, and professional guidance is often essential.

4. Seek Legal Counsel

If negotiations with the franchisor do not yield a favorable outcome, or if you are uncertain about the legal implications of exiting the franchise agreement, it is advisable to seek legal counsel. Experienced franchise attorneys specialize in franchise law and can provide valuable guidance throughout the process.

Here’s how legal counsel can assist you:

  • Assessment of Your Agreement: A franchise attorney can review your franchise agreement to gain a thorough understanding of the terms and conditions, as well as any specific exit requirements.
  • Legal Rights and Obligations: Your attorney will clarify your legal rights and obligations regarding the franchise agreement, including potential penalties and consequences.
  • Legal Remedies: If your franchisor is not cooperating or is in violation of the agreement, your attorney can explore legal remedies, such as mediation, arbitration, or court action, to resolve the dispute.
  • Negotiations: In some cases, your attorney may negotiate on your behalf, engaging in discussions with the franchisor to reach a mutually agreeable solution.
  • Due Diligence: If you are considering selling your franchise, your attorney can guide you through the legal requirements and processes to ensure a smooth transfer of ownership.

Having a franchise attorney on your side can help protect your rights, navigate the legal complexities, and ensure that the exit process is conducted in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

5. Mediation or Arbitration

Many franchise agreements include dispute resolution mechanisms such as mediation or arbitration. These alternative dispute resolution methods provide a structured framework for resolving conflicts between franchisees and franchisors without resorting to traditional litigation.

Here’s how mediation and arbitration work:

  • Mediation: In mediation, a neutral third party, known as a mediator, facilitates discussions between the franchisee and franchisor. The mediator helps both parties reach an agreement and find a mutually acceptable solution. Mediation is often a less adversarial and more collaborative approach to dispute resolution.
  • Arbitration: Arbitration involves a neutral arbitrator who reviews the evidence and arguments presented by both the franchisee and franchisor and makes a binding decision to resolve the dispute. Arbitration can be faster and less costly than traditional litigation.

If your franchise agreement includes provisions for mediation or arbitration, you may be required to follow these processes before pursuing legal action. These mechanisms can provide a structured and less confrontational way to resolve disputes and potentially find a solution that allows for an amicable exit.

6. Compliance with Notice Periods

Most franchise agreements require a notice period for termination. The notice period specifies the amount of time you must provide to the franchisor before the termination of the agreement takes effect. The purpose of the notice period is to allow both parties to prepare for the transition and minimize disruptions to the business and customers.

It’s essential to comply with the notice period stipulated in your franchise agreement. Failing to do so can lead to legal consequences, including financial penalties. Make sure to provide written notice to the franchisor in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

7. Court Action

Resorting to legal action should be considered a last resort when all other options have been exhausted, as it can be costly, time-consuming, and adversarial. Success in court will depend on the specifics of your case, the terms of the franchise agreement, and applicable laws.

Here are key steps to consider if you decide to pursue court action:

  • Consult with an Attorney: Consult with a franchise attorney who specializes in franchise disputes to assess the strength of your case and evaluate your legal options.
  • Document Your Case: Gather and organize all relevant documents, communications, and evidence related to the dispute and your efforts to resolve it.
  • Initiate Legal Proceedings: If your attorney believes you have a viable case, they will guide you through the process of initiating legal proceedings. This may involve filing a lawsuit against the franchisor.
  • Litigation Process: The litigation process may include discovery, depositions, and court appearances. Your attorney will represent your interests and present your case to the court.
  • Resolution or Judgment: The court will make a judgment based on the evidence presented by both parties. The outcome could result in the termination of the franchise agreement, financial settlements, or other remedies.

Legal action should be pursued only with the guidance of a qualified franchise attorney, as the process can be complex and costly. Consideration of potential consequences and costs should be part of your decision-making process.


Understanding how to get out of a franchise agreement is crucial for franchisees facing challenging circumstances or seeking new opportunities. A franchise agreement is a legally binding contract, and exiting it requires careful consideration and adherence to the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement.

Whether through negotiations with the franchisor, selling the franchise, seeking legal counsel, or pursuing dispute resolution mechanisms, franchisees have several options when it comes to exiting a franchise agreement. The specific approach will depend on the unique circumstances of each case.

It’s essential to approach the process with transparency, diligence, and a clear understanding of the legal implications and financial obligations involved. By navigating the path to freedom with a well-thought-out strategy, franchisees can make informed decisions and pursue new entrepreneurial ventures or personal goals.

Remember that seeking professional guidance, whether from a franchise attorney or mediator, can help ensure that your rights are protected and that the exit process is conducted in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. With the right approach and a clear exit strategy, franchisees can make a successful transition to a new chapter in their business journey.

Legal advice

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