Talent release form

A talent release form is something you are almost guaranteed to come across if you are working in creative industries. These forms are designed to outline the agreement between a business and their talent; to guarantee both parties understand the services they are providing each other and how intellectual property (IP) can be used. Keep reading this Legal Kitz post understand what a talent release form is, why you should have one in place and what to include in one.

What is a talent release form?

A talent release form is an agreement between a business and its talent. It can be used in a variety of circumstances, for example, when a business engages with an actor or influencer to create content for advertising. Talent release forms should be signed by both parties before commencing any work, in order to set clear expectations and avoid any future problems that may arise.

What are the benefits?

The benefits of engaging another party in a talent release form include:

  • Confirmation of the amount to be paid to the talent;
  • Confirmation of the scope of the talents work;
  • A release from liability relating to the use of IP; and
  • Certainty around who owns and can use the IP that is created.

You will want to ensure the talent agrees that you can use their name, image and likeness for your business purposes.

What should I include?

A talent release form should include:

  • Name of parties – clearly outline the parties who are engaging in the contract;
  • Scope of engagement- summaries the engagement between the two parties including why they have been hired and the amount of money they are to be paid;
  • Ownership of the IP – state that your business will own all the rights in the filming/photography;
  • Permissible use – outline how you can use the created content in the future; and
  • Release of liability – the talent should acknowledge that they release any rights to the IP and will not claim against the business owner in future relating to the use of the content.

Legal advice

If you are a business owner you may want to engage talent to create content for advertising purposes. It is important that you have complete ownership over the content created and have the flexibility to use this content however and whenever you like. Unsure whether you need to implement a talent release form for your next project? Legal Kitz is here to help! We offer FREE 30-minute consultations to assist you with any queries or concerns regarding annual leave and employment rights. Book here now for your free consult.

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