What is an employment separation certificate? 

Being unemployed or between jobs is a difficult time for anyone. Fortunately, Australia has social welfare services in place, like Centrelink, to assist unemployed people or low income earners. One document that you will need for your welfare application is an employment separation certificate. This Legal Kitz article will explain what the certificate is and explain how to obtain one. 

What is an employment separation certificate? 

An employment separation certificate (SU001) is a form that is issued by the Australian Government to document the basic details of someone’s current or previous employment status. These details can include: 

  • Period of payment;
  • Details of final pay;
  • Reason for termination of employment; and
  • How much the employee was earning when they left.

Why do I need an employment separation certificate? 

As aforementioned, the certificate is helpful for social welfare services to determine what welfare payments you are entitled to. This assessment of eligibility is based on how much you are currently earning or how much you were previously earning. 

If you are unable to provide the certificate, then you will not be able to receive the welfare payments that you’ve applied for, until you have obtained the certificate. 

In most cases, the document is used when an employee have been terminated, seen reductions in their hours, or changed their employment type. This means that such certificates are applicable for casuals, part-time and full-time workers.

How do I obtain one?

To get this certificate, simply access Service Australia’s online website titled Employment Separation Certificate form (SU001). Employers do not always automatically provide these to documents to employees, but if an employee or former employee requests a certificate, they must supply it.

Note that employers are only sometimes required to provide these documents to employees, however, if an employee or former employee requests one, they must provide it. 

As an employer, you should download and complete the form for the employee, then submit it to Centrelink’s Business Online Services. 

As an employee, simply ask your employer or former employer to complete and submit the document on your behalf. In some instances, employers may be unable to submit it for you, so ask your employer for the completed document and you can personally submit it via the same Centrelink portal.

What if I can’t get an employment separation certificate? 

There are rare instances where an employer or former employer will not provide an employee with a certificate. In this situation, an employee will not be able to receive any welfare payments that they are entitled to until the employer provides the document. An employer should contact the government to inform them of any reasons as to why they cannot provide the certificate. An employee can also contact your employer directly for the certificate and if necessary.

Legal advice

An employment separation certificate details employment tenure and payment amounts. In the rare instances where an employer may not provide an employee with the certificate, contact the Government or reach out to our team at Legal Kitz for legal advice.  We offer a FREE 30-minute consultation for all your legal queries and concerns. Book here now for your free consult.

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