Category: Commercial Law

Commercial in Confidence

Confidence in business is a serious consideration, so you should probably educate yourself on the ins and outs of commercial in confidence. Many law firms have strict rules and concerns regarding confidentiality. These rules should be treated as ‘commercial in confidence’ …

What does ‘without prejudice save as to costs’ mean?

Where does the phrase ‘Without Prejudice Save as to Costs’ come from? “Without prejudice” can be one of the most abused and misunderstood legal phrases, but it is also a vital legal tool designed to assist parties in settling their disputes …

How to negotiate a commercial retail lease

What can be negotiated? When it comes to negotiating a commercial retail lease agreement, the first question you need to ask yourself is, is it worth negotiating in the first place.  If yes, then now you have an opportunity to negotiate …

What is a tender?

Tenders, in general terms, are a formalised offer to perform in return for payment for the supply of goods and/or services. In order to win a tender, you should be aware of and understand the tendering requirements and processes to determine …

Do I need legal advice when buying a business in Australia?

Buying a business in Australia is a highly-complex process which, depending on the type of business being purchased, may involve a number of intricate steps to successfully complete. Seeking the support of an Australian business lawyer will help you navigate each …

Advice for selling a business in Australia

Selling a business can be both an exciting and stressful time. To ensure you are as prepared as possible for the sale of your business, we’ve outlined the three key pieces of legal advice selling a business in Australia. 1. Are …